
Saturday 21 September 2013

Marathon time

Half marathon day today and felt relatively confident in the days beforehand. The night before the race was the usual story in our house, Jack not sleeping so therefore we not sleeping.

Race morning was glorious and usual routine was had - 3 wheatabix, banana and bagel with peanut butter.
Arrived at the park and warmup completed, I joined the start line. From the off I felt dehydrated, us Irish really aren't used to sun in September. First few km were crowded and in making my way out of these crowds I went too hard. Started to suffer from the 13km mark and a noticeable drop off in pace.
Finished in 1.27.02 and while not overly happy as I was going for a 1.25, I'll take it.
Bags collected, I made my way back to the finish line to see Laura finish her first half marathon. A time of 2.10 which was great, well done baby.

The biggest question I have now is 'how the hell will I maintain that pace for double the distance'?

Unfortunately there were very sobering thoughts today. We all go out to hit PBs, enjoy the race we partake in and to tell the tales afterwards.

Unfortunately one poor man taking part today will not be able to tell his tales again after collapsing and dying around the 11 mile mark. May he RIP.
It makes everything else pale into insignificance.

It's a reminder to me to enjoy every minute out there.