
Tuesday 3 December 2013

Week 2 - 25/11

Sleep has deserted me, assisted in the getaway by the wee ones.
Ok, can't blame them totally for the lack of sleep but they kicked the week off with a disturbed night. It was bad enough that I was told by numerous people on Monday that I looked sh1te. Thanks to you all too :)

Monday nights swim woke me up a bit. Woke me up in more ways than one, both from an energy perspective and also to the fact that there is a reason we are land creatures. Despite a relatively good swim, I can't seem to get the hang of this lark. I know it's early season but still frustrating.

Think the scales might be broke, no change from last week.

Weight - 75kg
BF - 14.5%

Turbo on Tuesday night saw the introduction of Z3 intervals sessions. A good, honest session in a slightly sadistic way. Worse or better to come no doubt, depends on your viewpoint.
Now, if only I didn't have to roll the extension lead down the garden each night for power in the turbo gym aka the shed, it would be more enjoyable. You reading this Laura? Know any good electricians? Ok, they don't have to be good.

Wednesday morning was an early rise for S&C session. 
Unfortunately, sinus problems (from Monday's swim) put paid to Wednesday's swim. Please don't let this be the start of continuing sinus problems.

Back on the torture table on Thursday for more treatment, this time focusing on the releasing and relaxing the back muscles. Apparently I have zilch flexibility. Something else that needs to be worked on to prevent recurrance of injury.
Turbo on Thursday night was 'fun' following the earlier treatment.

Jason + sinuses = No swim on Friday. I did replace it with a S&C workout though, although S&C might be pushing it. A stretching workout would describe it better.

First run since the marathon (not counting my race against Katie), on Saturday. To help the weary old legs I headed down the canal path where the surface is kinder on the joints. That's where the kindness ends though as the rest of the run was tough going - elevated HR, breathing was heavy and the legs even heavier. The sun was out and it was a beautiful morning so at least that is something.

Saturday afternoon was spent at a 3D club workshop on nutrition and strength and core. A very enjoyable workshop and the key message I took from it (don't know if I was meant to) is bacon and eggs are good and cheerios bad, well relatively speaking anyway. Lots to learn in the world of nutrition but at least I am a little bit more knowledgeable now.
The S&C session confirmed what I already knew - I don't have any strength. So lots and lots and lots of work required on that between now and IM next year.

A busy Saturday was concluded by going to see 'Wicked' in the Bord Gais Theatre. Wicked is the prequel to The Wizard of Oz, which would be relevant if you had actually seen the Wizard of Oz before, which I hadn't. I'm sure I'm not on my own on that? Nonetheless, a very enjoyable show, and equally enjoyable pints afterwards.

The sleep depravation earlier in the week definitely caught up with me on Sunday, so put paid to any training. There was a tight window of opportunity to get out on the bike but I missed this as I was asleep and we had a date with Christmas fairs and Santa shopping for the rest of the day.

In general, not a great week on the training front, so that will need to be corrected for the coming weeks. Life sometimes just gets in the way of training but 'Stick to the plan' is ringing in my ears.

1 comment:

  1. Well Jason seems like a typical week this time of year lol do u use a nose clip while swimming if not try one . I used to get that sinus thing aswell not sure if u no but I will tell u anyway a scum of gas Floats about an inch or two over the water in a pool where there is activity this is what causes the the sinus like problems in some people me included but only in pool and not in open water hope this helps
